07 March 2007

Ugh! Not again!

Remember Bob? The talking baby first from some internet company (Wikipedia says it was "Freeinternet")? And then, because TV execs are so desperate to catch onto any fad, his own TV show? (If you don't remember, then be happy you don't have the same penchant for remembering all this useless crap like I do.)

Well, that worked so well that now there's going to be a caveman sitcom based on the Geico commercials.

Does anyone really want to watch this theme played out over 30 minutes... repeatedly... every week? I hope not.

Some have said we're in a new golden age of TV. Shows like 24, Lost, and Heroes are telling compelling stories with excellent acting. Channels like HBO are putting out more critically acclaimed programming like the Soprano's and Curb Your Enthusiasm. But then again, shows like Dancing with the Stars and Deal or No Deal are popular, too. So maybe you do want to watch cavemen deal with discrimination in a modern world.

Just can't imagine this show living beyond a few episodes, or, at the longest, an entire first season. I almost feel sorry for the people who will be venturing their livelihood on this.

But Baby Bob made out, OK I guess, since he starred in Quizno's commercials in 2005 and 2006 (and maybe still?). I suppose the cavemen will still have Geico to fall back on. And imagine their return to commercials - a Super Bowl spot where the caveman laments how he couldn't make it in Hollywood due to discrimination! That'll sure sell some car insurance!

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